Gutters are crucial in protecting our homes from water damage by redirecting rainwater away from the foundation and walls. However, gutters can become worn, damaged, or clogged over time, compromising their effectiveness and potentially causing costly damage to the home. When this happens, gutter replacement may be necessary. But how much does gutter replacement cost, and what factors influence the overall cost? 


In this article, we’ll explore the average cost of gutter replacement by material type and the factors that influence the cost, such as the age and condition of existing gutters, climate and environment, and home design and roof type. We’ll also weigh the pros and cons of DIY gutter replacement versus hiring a professional so that homeowners can decide how to proceed.

Cost of Gutter Replacement

Replacing gutters can be a significant investment for homeowners, but the cost can vary widely depending on several factors. The cost of gutter replacement is typically influenced by the type of gutter material, the linear feet of gutter needed, labor costs, and any additional costs such as removal of old gutters or disposal fees. Here’s a closer look at these factors and the average cost of gutter replacement by material type:

Factors affecting the cost of gutter replacement

  • Type of gutter material: The material you choose for your gutters can greatly impact the overall cost. Aluminum is the most common and affordable material, while copper and steel are more expensive. Vinyl is the cheapest option, but it may not be as durable as other materials and is more prone to cracking in extreme temperatures.
  • Linear feet of gutter needed: The longer the gutter system is required to protect your home, the more materials and labor are required, and the more expensive the replacement will be.
  • Labor costs: The labor cost can vary depending on your location and the expertise of the gutter installation team. A licensed professional may cost more than a handyman, but they will likely provide better quality work and peace of mind with a guarantee.
  • Additional costs: Additional expenses such as removing old gutters, disposal fees, or repairing the roof or fascia boards may increase the overall cost of gutter replacement.

Factors Influencing Gutter Replacement

In addition to the type of gutter material and linear feet needed, several other factors can influence the need for gutter replacement and the cost involved. Here are some of the key factors that can impact gutter replacement:

Age and condition of existing gutters

Signs that gutters need to be replaced: Gutter systems typically last between 20 and 50 years, depending on the material used, but signs of wear and tear such as cracks, rust, or sagging may indicate that replacement is necessary.

How age affects gutter replacement cost

Older gutters may require more extensive repairs or replacement of the fascia boards or roof decking, which can increase the overall cost of gutter replacement.

Climate and environment

Impact of weather on gutters: Climate conditions can impact the lifespan of gutters. In areas with heavy rainfall, gutters may need to be replaced more frequently due to wear and tear caused by the elements.

How the environment affects gutter replacement cost

Homes located in areas with lots of trees or surrounded by foliage may require more frequent gutter cleaning and maintenance, which can increase the overall cost of gutter replacement.

Home design and roof type

Types of roofs and how they impact gutter replacement: The pitch and size of a roof can impact the type of gutter system required, as well as the overall cost of installation. For example, a steeper roof may require additional safety equipment or labor to install the gutters.

How home design affects gutter replacement cost

The layout and design of a home can impact the cost of gutter replacement. Homes with multiple stories, intricate designs, or hard-to-reach areas may require more labor and specialized equipment, increasing the overall cost.

Understanding these factors can help homeowners anticipate the gutter replacement cost and plan accordingly.

Key Takeaways

  • The cost of gutter replacement can vary depending on several factors, including the type of gutter material, linear feet needed, age and condition of existing gutters, climate and environment, and home design and roof type.
  • DIY gutter replacement can save money, but homeowners should consider safety concerns and lack of expertise before attempting the project.
  • Hiring a professional can provide homeowners with the necessary expertise and safety measures, but it can be more expensive than a DIY approach.
  • Whether choosing a DIY or professional approach, homeowners should research companies and get multiple quotes to ensure they get the best value for their investment.